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We offer therapy for a broad range of emotional difficulties.

Common needs include therapy for depression and anxiety, child and adolescent disorders and relationship difficulties.

Individual Psychotherapy

Working one on one with a therapist can help our patients work through and work out psychological problems they face on a daily basis.

Parent Therapy

Parent therapy is geared to provide support and improve life structure to aid in the elimination of childhood behavioral problems.

Couples Therapy

This type of therapy is helpful for couples that struggle with communication. The therapist brings everyone together in a non-judgmental environment to help facilitate growth and communication within relationships.

Family Therapy

Identify, evaluate and discuss current family conflicts and help develop ways to work through issues within the family system.

Group Psychotherapy

Multiple individuals come together with similar issues in a safe and non-judgmental environment to explore ways to improve relationships that cause psychological distress.

Psychological Testing

Psychological assessments for children and adults to help uncover and provide answers to facilitate therapy or medication experiences.

Emotional Support Animals

Support can come from a variety of connections, such as animal companionship. Benefits can include lower anxiety, alleviation of loneliness, enhanced social engagement, stress reduction, depression reduction and increased pleasure. 

One of our trained staff can write an ESA letter on your behalf, if an emotional support animal is right for you at home or during travel.